Wednesday 20 August 2014

June 2014 Update

SANHS Update June 2014.

At the December 2013 General Meeting, the Society and Somerset County Council presented their respective positions in relation to the Council’s intent to devolve the delivery of its heritage services to a charitable company, limited by guarantee, by 1 September 2014 and thence to a charity. The minutes of the General Meeting can be found at or as a paper copy in the SANHS Office. The Society has been linked to the County Council since before 1957 and, as a result, has benefited from nearly £20M of investment in the County’s heritage and we need to protect these advantages in the face of change to the service delivery that the Council is currently implementing, which we believe is the best, viable option.

The Trustees of SANHS, from their risk management perspective, must have confidence that the conditions within the Castle lease with the Council will be met by the Trust and confidence that the procedures and conditions of the several collections loan agreements with the Council will be met by the new Trust. Our Trustees must also be confident that the new Trust will protect the heritage of Somerset for future generations. There are questions about what the current measures of levels of services are, and clear metrics are needed. Trustees also have concerns about arrangements if the legal agreements are compromised or the levels of service are not achieved.

At their meeting in February 2014, the Society’s Trustees signed a Non-disclosure Agreement with the Council through which detailed, financial information, requested in November 2013, was provided.  The financial information necessary for the confidence of our Trustees is being analysed by the Development and Policy Committee so that it can draft a ‘due diligence’ paper for the Trustees. The ‘Heads of Terms’ was agreed and signed for the Trustees just before the 2014 AGM. We also set a high priority to completing a new legal agreement with the Council for the loan of our archive collection, and that agreement has also been signed so that it is now possible to devolve its management to the new Trust.

After the December 2013 General Meeting when the Chairman of the Estates Working Group presented the Trustees’ position concerning the future of Wyndham Hall, a final request was mailed to all Members for a leader, a capable team, and a long-term plan for the development of the Hall under the Society’s direct management. The presentation slides used at the General Meeting can be found on the website at  The position at the beginning of May is that a leader and a team are assembling a plan for submission to the Estates Working Group by 17 May 2014. Based on the recommendations of the Group and the affordability, viability and sustainability of the plan, the Trustees will decide on the exclusion or not of Wyndham Hall from the Taunton Castle sub-lease to the Trust at a Board meeting on 26 June 2014. At this meeting the Board will also consider its ‘due diligence’ paper and the final set of legal agreements for the devolution of the management of our assets to the new Trust.

It is the job of Trustees to manage and protect the assets and public benefits of the Society in the best interests of its charitable purposes as required by its constitution. The complete story of the Society’s response to the implications of the Council’s plan to create the South West Heritage Trust as the agent to deliver its heritage services can be found at Review.htm.